Australian Prayer for World Youth Day 2016

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As Australian pilgrims we travel as one people to celebrate
God’s love and mercy at World Youth Day in Krakow.
We pray for our own personal transformation:


God of mercy, transform me,
that my eyes may be merciful,
that I may marvel at the beauty of my neighbour’s heart.

Transform me, O God,
that my ears may be merciful,
that I may be attentive to those in need.

Transform me, O God,
that my tongue may be merciful,
that all I proclaim is in love and peace.

Transform me, O God,
that my hands may be merciful,
that I use them to serve my neighbour.

Transform me, O God,
that my feet may be merciful,
that my pilgrim journey leads me to compassion.

Transform me, O God,
that my heart may be merciful,
ever open to the joy of your presence.

May Your mercy, O God,
rest upon me and transform me into Yourself,
for You are my all.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord.


St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, pray for us.
























Source :
ACBC Office for Youth