17 April 2014
Dear friends,As we prepare to celebrate Easter, let us reflect on the period of Lent and how we may have taken the time to repent and reflect on our lives. With praise and then rejoicing in the Easter triduum, may we reflect upon Jesus’s life, death and resurrection.
Through the Easter triduum, the risen Lord shows us that good comes out of suffering through his conquering sin and evil by his death and resurrection on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
I encourage you to remember the hope in life that Jesus brings through the resurrection. He died so that we might all live free from sin.
In this Easter message, I’m drawn to the words of Pope Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium; The Joy of the gospel.
“There are Christians whose lives seem like Lent without Easter. I realize of course that joy is not expressed the same way at all times in life, especially at moments of great difficulty. Joy adapts and changes, but it always endures, even as a flicker of light born out of our personal certainty that, when everything is said and done, we are infinitely loved.”
“With a tenderness which never disappoints, but is always capable of restoring joy, he makes it possible for us to lift up our heads, come what will. May nothing inspire more than his life, which impels us onwards.”
I wish you all a joyful and blessed Easter.
Archbishop Denis Hart,
President Australian Catholic Bishops Conference