Truth Justice Healing Council preparing submission to Royal Commission on child safe institutions

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Truth, Justice and Healing Council Logo

Media Release, 27 August, 2013

The Truth Justice and Healing Council is currently engaging with church and other stakeholders as prepares its submission to Royal Commission’s third issues paper on child safe institutions.

Submissions to the paper close on 11 October and the TJHC’s will be distributing a consultation document to Church stakeholder on Friday 6 September.

Francis Sullivan, CEO of the Council, said the Council’s submission would represent the whole Church and would be a comprehensive statement on the current church environment and include recommendations for reforms.

“The process the Royal Commission is going through in calling for submissions to various issues will ultimately paint a picture of how different institutions across the country have responded to child sexual abuse,” Mr Sullivan said.

“The Council consulted widely on the first issues paper, working with children checks, and lodged that submission on 12 August. We received valuable contributions from across Catholic agencies.

“Our submission to the third paper, child safe institutions, will be informed by experience from across church agencies including its education, social services and professional standards networks,” Mr Sullivan said.

The final submission is likely to examine Church policies and practices such as codes of conduct, complaints handling procedures, and the recruitment, education, training and supervision of staff, including volunteers.

You can read more about the third issues paper here:

You can see the Council’s previous submission to the Royal Commission here:

The Truth Justice and Healing Council has been established by the Catholic Church to coordinate the Catholic Church response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

For more information on the Truth Justice and Healing Council go to:

For more information on the Royal Commission go to:

Media contact: Judith Tokley 0408 824 306 / 02 6234 0908