Archbishop of Canberra-Goulburn, Christopher Prowse & Caritas Diocesan Engagement Coordinator Lulu Mitshabu
On Shrove Tuesday, 9 February 2016, Archbishop of Canberra and Goulburn, Christopher Prowse, enjoyed some freshly made pancakes while launching Project Compassion at the Secretariat of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC).
The Archbishop was joined in the ACBC garden by students and staff from across the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn who will participate in Project Compassion, one of Australia’s largest humanitarian fundraising raising campaigns during the six weeks of Lent. This year marks 50 years of Project Compassion and the theme is, Learning more, creating change.

Archbishop Prowse, Lulu Mitshabu and students from the Archdiocese.
‘For us Catholics, creating change beings in the heart, it’s not exterior. If you start on the outside and forget about the inside, you’re a philanthropist. If you pray for those who need a bit of help around the world and leave it at that, you’re pietistic. So Catholics are neither pietistic nor are they philanthropists. We go outside through the heart,’ the Archbishop said.
‘The heart is very linked with the Year of Mercy,’ he added. ‘The Latin word for mercy is misericordia, which means allowing the miseries of another person to come into your heart. That’s why we always have the Cross because it takes on the miseries and struggles in our world. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy, so in giving we receive so much in our hearts. In giving, we are doing the work of the Lord. Project Compassion is a very practical way of giving,’ Archbishop Prowse said.

Staff and visitors enjoy pancakes during the launch of Project Compassion.
Caritas Australia raised a record-breaking $11.57 million last year and supporters in the Diocese of Canberra-Goulburn raised more than $345,000 in 2015.
During Lent, Australians are invited to support Project Compassion by donating, holding fundraising events or sharing the campaign resources.
To donate to Project Compassion, or for fundraising ideas, please visit: www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion or phone 1800 024 413.