Lulu Mitshabu, Caritas Australia, addresses women gathered at the ‘Empowering Women Around The World’ Luncheon
Women for the World
On 8 May 2014, Caritas Australia held an event ‘Empowering Women Around The World’ in Sydney.
Reflecting on the event, journalist Catherine Marshall wrote the following article in Eureka Street on 12 May.
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‘Lulu Mitshabu tells us to close our eyes. ‘Imagine your brothers, sisters, your mothers, your nieces, your nephews, your children, everybody that makes you smile, the good time you’re having,’ she says.
‘Open your eyes. The time that you took closing your eyes and thinking of your people, imagine now everybody you thought of disappeared from the face of this earth just in that minute. That’s my life in the DRC.’
There is stunned silence. It’s lunchtime in Sydney and we are sitting in the shadow of the beautiful Harbour Bridge, a symbol of wealth, progress and equal access for all.’
Read the article: http://bit.ly/1uXKlkb
Lulu Mitshabu was the keynote speaker, Caritas Australia’s Program Coordinator for the Democratic Republic of Congo and Caritas Diocesan Engagement Coordinator for Canberra, Goulburn and Wagga Wagga.
Lulu was interviewed by MC Ben Fordham, 2GB Radio Journalist and Channel Nine Sports Presenter, about being forced to flee the DRC as a refugee due to a lack of rights for women.
You can also watch a digital story about Lulu’s life and faith, which features in the Stirring Hearts project for World Communications Day this month: