“Harvesting the Fruits of the Year of Grace”: Survey to capture Catholics’ hopes and dreams for Church

Survey on experiences of the Year of Grace

Pentecost Sunday, 19 June, marks the official end of the Year of Grace, an initiative of the Australian Catholic Bishops. In some places this was to be celebrated with a closing ritual. In other places it was decided simply to merge with the Year of Faith proclaimed by Pope Benedict for the universal Church, and to carry forward the momentum of both of these until the end of the year.

The National Planning Team for the Year of Grace is keen to identify, nurture and harvest the fruits of the Year of Grace. In the words of the Book of Revelation, (chs. 2-3) they want to “listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches”.

They have prepared a simple on-line survey, and invite you to spend a few minutes sharing your experiences. The survey can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/yearofgrace

Your responses will be collated and key messages sent to the Bishops of Australia for their discernment.