The Triennial National Conference for Pastors and Pastoral Associates is currently being held in Adelaide February 5- 7, 2013 at the Hilton Hotel, Victoria Square, Adelaide.
Donella Johnston of the Office for the Participation of Women is attending the conference and has shared the following photos of the proceedings.
The theme for the Conference, “An Echo in their Hearts”, and is taken from the Preface of the Vatican II Document Gaudium et Spes. 2012. This Conference aims to revisit several of the key themes from the documents.
The goal for this important event is for these words to “echo” in all of our hearts, as we look both theologically and practically at our Church in 2013 and the work we are doing in our Parishes, Schools and Communities.
Keynote speakers at the conference have been Rev. Dr Philip Marshall VG, PhD of the Archdiocese of Adelaide and Dr Deb Organ, D.Min., Master of Social Work, USA and Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Sydney, Bishop Comensoli.

Bishop Peter A Comensoli speaking about mission, ministry, co-responsibility, service and friendship at National Pastors and Pastoral Associates Conference 2013, Adelaide