To assist parishes to celebrate International Women’s Day in 2013, the Office for the Participation of Women and the Council for Australian Catholic Women have developed the following kit which can be downloaded here.OPW Parish Resource 2013
As part of the introduction to the kit, chair of the CACW Natalie Lindner L’Huillier writes the following:
For over a hundred years International Women’s Day has called our attention to the remarkable political, social and economic accomplishments of women, and encouraged us to work with all people of good will so that the dignity of women may be more fully realised.
The Australian theme for International Women’s Day in 2013 is ‘The Gender Agenda: Gaining Momentum’. It is a theme anchored in hope, both realised and for the future, for the wellbeing of the human family. While it’s true that women and girls continue to encounter startling levels of injustice and violence on the basis of their gender, individuals, communities and nations are working together for change and we are succeeding!