The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has welcomed the appointment by Pope Francis this evening of a new Bishop of Armidale.
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has welcomed the appointment by Pope Francis this evening of a new Bishop of Armidale.
A message from Australian Catholic Bishops Conference President, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB:
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference congratulates the Honourable Keith Pitt on his appointment as Australia’s Ambassador to the Holy See.
Pope Francis has this evening appointed Perth-based priest, Fr George Kolodziej SDS, to be the fifth Bishop of Bunbury.
The bishops’ conferences of Australia, Ireland and New Zealand are pooling their expertise and resources in a joint Lectionary project.
Australia’s Catholic bishops have welcomed the installation of the Most Reverend Tim Norton SVD as the third Bishop of Broome.
Australian Catholic Bishops Conference President, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, has been elected to the Ordinary Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod.
Fourteen Australian Catholics will enter a retreat on Monday ahead of a month-long global event in Rome aimed at shaping the future of the Church.
Melbourne’s Angela Markas has been encouraged to “be yourself” as she prepares to represent young Australians at a Vatican gathering next month that will help inform this year’s Synod of Bishops on Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment.
Miss Markas, 22, met with members of the Australian Catholic Youth Council this week and shared the story of her faith journey and the faith of the Chaldean Catholic community of which she is a member. Continue reading
The Bishops of Australia received a reminder this week, 8 July, from the Vatican about their responsibility to verify those who provide the bread and wine for the celebration of Mass.
The letter was issued to all bishops around the world from Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.
Cardinal Sarah wrote that until recent times, many religious communities took responsibility for “baking the bread and making the wine for the celebration of the Eucharist. Today, however, these materials are also sold in supermarkets and other stores and even over the internet”.
Eucharistic bread and wine
In order to remove any doubt about the “validity of the matter for the Eucharist”, the Dicastery suggested that the bishop should designate “a competent authority in actually guaranteeing the genuineness of the Eucharistic matter by producers as well as those responsible for its distribution and sale”.
It suggested that the bishops conference could mandate one or more religious congregations or another body capable of carrying out “the necessary checks on production, conservation and sale of the Eucharistic bread and wine in a given country and other countries to which they are exported”. Continue reading
Bishop-Elect Michael Morrissey
The Holy Father has today appointed Fr Michael Morrissey, the Vicar General and Chancellor of the Diocese of Geraldton, as the ninth Bishop of Geraldton.
Bishop-Elect Morrissey is the first Bishop of Geraldton who was born, raised, ordained and has ministered in the Diocese.
Archbishop Denis Hart, President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference welcomed the appointment, ‘On behalf of the Australian bishops, I join priests and people in welcoming Fr Michael Morrissey as Bishop of Geraldton. He has long priestly experience of Geraldton and already has been involved with so many people young and old.
‘Fr Michael is a worthy successor after the twenty-five year term of Bishop Bianchini who has governed the diocese with so much love and care. We wish him many years of Gospel service as the new bishop.’
The Bishop-Elect said his appointment recognises ‘all those small communities scattered throughout the diocese, including Yalgoo, my home town where I grew up on a sheep station’. Following in Bishop Justin Bianchini’s footsteps is very special, he said after working closely with him for the past 25 years. ‘I hope to continue the legacy of Bishop Justin listening to the people and seeing where they would like to go in their faith and life.’ Continue reading