Category Archives: Youth Ministry

Registrations open for Australian Catholic Youth Festival

Online registrations have officially opened for the 2019 Australian Catholic Youth Festival, to be held in Perth from December 8 to 10.

A number of key festival speakers and performers have already been announced, including ACYF favourite, priest-musician Fr Rob Galea, international Catholic speaker and author Katie Prejean McGrady and American Catholic rapper Joe Melendrez. Continue reading

Young Australians get set for World Youth Day Panama

More than 1000 young people from across Australia will be jetting off to Panama this week to attend World Youth Day, which begins on January 22.

Malcolm Hart, director of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference’s Office for Youth, is helping coordinate the bishops’ pilgrimage of approximately 700 people across 12 groups from throughout Australia. Continue reading

Bishops, young people celebrate fruits of Year of Youth

Adeline Bock tells bishops how the Year of Youth can be a catalyst for change for the Church in Australia

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference welcomed a group of young Catholics from across the country to Sydney last week as the Church in Australia marked the end of the Year of Youth.

Opened at the Australian Catholic Youth Festival last December, the Year of Youth concluded on Saturday, the final day of the Church’s liturgical year. Continue reading

Australian youth auditor announced for Vatican Synod

Twenty-two-year-old Sydneysider Sebastian Duhau will soon be winging his way to the Vatican as Australia’s youth auditor at the upcoming General Synod of Bishops on Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment.

Mr Duhau, from the Diocese of Parramatta, was nominated and accepted to participate in the General Synod itself, along with young people and lay Catholics from more than 40 countries, according to an official list of participants released by the Vatican on Saturday. Continue reading