The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council has called for deep reflection and prayer as the nation marks Australia Day 2025.
The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council has called for deep reflection and prayer as the nation marks Australia Day 2025.
JPII took a large gum branch, reached into a clay coolamon & blessed the crowd
November 2016 marks 30 years since (now Saint) Pope John Paul II issued his ground breaking address to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Blatherskite Park, Alice Springs.
On 29 November 1986, the Holy Father told the indigenous community, “Your culture, which shows the lasting genius and dignity of your race, must not be allowed to disappear. Do not think that your gifts are worth so little that you should no longer bother to maintain them. Share them with each other and teach them to your children. Your songs, your stories, your paintings, your dances, your languages, must never be lost”. Continue reading