Category Archives: ACBC agency news

Parish profiles to help Catholics better serve their local communities

PROFILES of 1230 Catholic parishes across Australia have been published, offering a wealth of insight they can use to better serve the needs of their local communities.

The parish “social profiles” draw on data captured in the 2021 Australian Census and examine the Catholic and local population within parish boundaries. Continue reading

Symposium to focus on preserving Church art and architecture

Experts in Church architecture will address a symposium in Melbourne in February (Photo/Dion Seminara)

Preserving Australia’s beautiful heritage Catholic churches for future generations will be a major focus of a National Church Architecture Symposium in Melbourne next month.

Jointly organised by the National Liturgical Art and Architecture Council (NLAAC) and the ACU Centre for Liturgy, Where Your Treasure Is, There Will Your Heart Be Also will be held at the Australian Catholic University’s St Patrick’s campus from February 6 to 8. Continue reading

Australian youth auditor announced for Vatican Synod

Twenty-two-year-old Sydneysider Sebastian Duhau will soon be winging his way to the Vatican as Australia’s youth auditor at the upcoming General Synod of Bishops on Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment.

Mr Duhau, from the Diocese of Parramatta, was nominated and accepted to participate in the General Synod itself, along with young people and lay Catholics from more than 40 countries, according to an official list of participants released by the Vatican on Saturday. Continue reading

Church calls for action to stem the rising tide of homelessness


The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has used its 2018-19 Social Justice Statement to express deep concern about Australia’s alarming growth in homelessness and insecure housing.

In A Place to Call Home: Making a home for everyone in our land, released this morning, the bishops have called on Australians to look beyond the immediate challenges of the average household budget and to consider those who are homeless or facing housing stress because of skyrocketing rents and property prices. Continue reading

Church calls for global action for migrants and refugees

Fr Fabio Baggio CS and Fr Maurizio Pettena CS, director of the Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office

Policies addressing migrants and refugees should always respond with mercy and solidarity, according to Fr Fabio Baggio CS, Under-Secretary of the Migrant and Refugee Section, a Vatican office directly guided by Pope Francis.

“Our shared response may be articulated by four verbs: to welcome, to protect, to promote and to integrate. This is part of a common action that should be actively promoted by all the local Churches,” Fr Baggio said. Continue reading

2019 Catholic Youth Festival to tune into what Spirit is saying

More than 5000 young Catholics are expected to converge on Perth next year for the Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF).

As the largest Catholic gathering in Australia, the ACYF promotes and engages the life and voice of young Catholics, equipping them to live out their faith in the world. Continue reading

Bond strengthens between Church and Australia’s First Peoples

A connection between Gospel values and the core tenets of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander life – family, spirituality and culture – is attracting more of Australia’s First Peoples to the Catholic faith.

Australia’s First Peoples now constitute more than 130,000 of all Catholics in Australia and the numbers are increasing, according to the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC), a peak advisory body to Australia’s bishops. Continue reading

Catholic groups want anti-slavery legislation strengthened

Peak Catholic groups are concerned the Modern Slavery Bill 2018, currently before federal Parliament, could become a “toothless tiger” if their recommendations to the inquiry are not adopted.

Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) and other Church groups have made submissions strongly supporting the legislation, but have urged politicians to make changes to protect the vulnerable. Continue reading