Images by Giovanni Portelli Photography © 2024
Australia’s longest-running religious television program Mass for You at Home will continue its beloved ministry in 2025.
Images by Giovanni Portelli Photography © 2024
Australia’s longest-running religious television program Mass for You at Home will continue its beloved ministry in 2025.
More than 3,000 young people from across the Australian dioceses and half of the Australian Catholic bishops gathered at Tauron arena on Tuesday 26 July 2016 to celebrate their faith, national identity and the beginning of World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland.
The two-hour gathering was filled with prayer, testimonies from young people, music and catechesis. Bishop Patrick O’Regan preached the homily and Bishop Peter Comensoli delivered a ‘call to action’ to young young. Two young people, Chris Lee from Parramatta diocese and Sr Elizabeth from Port Pirie diocese, gave witness to how they have received God’s mercy in their lives. Their authentic accounts described how we can discover God’s mercy when we show mercy to others, it is through our acts of mercy that God reveals his merciful heart to us. Sr Elizabeth said, ‘I thought by being committed to God, I would simply receive his mercy’.
Bishop Mark Edwards, Australian Bishops Delegate for Youth; Kelly Paget, Diocese of Broken Bay and Sunil Mohanaraj, Archdiocese of Adelaide were the MC’s.
Genevieve Bryant, Fr Rob Galea and the Salvatorians Soul band provided the festival music that had the entire gathering on their feet within seconds. Malcolm Hart, Director of the ACBC Office for Youth, unveiled an invitation to all of the young people to get involved in the the ‘Year of Youth’ 2018.
There was a beautiful period of reflection as the musicians sang a decade of the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Watch highlights from the Australian gathering below.
The Australian gathering can be viewed online via a web cast from Xt3.
During World Youth Day this week, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference hosted a press conference to officially launch a ‘Year of Youth’ in 2018.
The Year of Youth will be focused on empowering and local youth ministry teams as well as celebrating the tenth anniversary of World Youth Day 2008.
The press conference was held on Tuesday 26 July at the Mercy Centre in Tauron Arena, Krakow, Poland. Australian, Polish, American and Canadian media attended the press conference.
With the support of Xt3, a recording of the press conference is available to view below.
Over the decades and today, the Project Compassion box is a symbol of hope and generosity. The box is a practical way of helping those in need around the world.
Caritas Australia has produced the short video below to celebrate 50 years of the Project Compassion box. Bishop Terry Brady said, ‘The boxes work for a lot of families’.
Jane Sulis, Outreach Coordinator at Santa Sabina College in Stratfield said, ‘The Project Compassion box is a great example of a lot of people doing a little bit, that then aggrevates to make a big difference’.
‘The PC box has stood the test of time’, Paul O’Callaghan, CEO of Caritas Australia commented. ‘It’s a great example of our Catholic commitment to sharing and being with others.’ Continue reading
On Sunday 28 February, a lively radio discussion took place about the policy priorities for Catholic Social Services.
ABC Religion Journalist, John Cleary, was joined in studio by leaders from Catholic Social Services including, Dr Maria Harries, Chair of Catholic Social Services Australia (CSSA), Marcelle Mogg, CEO of CSSA and Denis Fitzgerald, CEO of Catholic Social Services Victoria.
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Communications Office has released an eBook and parish resource to coincide with the celebration of the 47th World Communications Day, which takes place in Australia on Sunday, May 5.
In one of his final acts as Pope, Benedict XVI authored the statement “Social Networks: portals of truth and faith; new spaces for evangelization”, recognising the gifts of social networking in sharing the message of Christ.
In response to the Holy Father’s message, the Communications Office of the Bishops Conference commissioned 30 Catholic Media Professionals from around Australia to contribute chapters to an eBook entitled “Word Made Flesh and “Shared” Among Us.”
Here, Bishop Peter Ingham introduces the kit and eBook which can be downloaded from the front page of www.catholic.org.au or by clicking the following links:
ePub version of eBook
PDF version of eBook
PDF version of parish resource
To watch the promotional video on the ACYF, click here
The Australian Catholic Youth Festival is an event which gathers young people from year 9 to those aged 25 years. It seeks to celebrate the life of young people in the Catholic Church in Australia, providing them with an encounter with the Catholic Church in Australia. A key element of the Festival will be a listening process allowing young people to dialogue with Church leaders and each other about their joys and challenges. To learn more about the Festival visit: www.youthfestival.catholic.org.au
The Australian Catholic Youth Ministry Convention (www.acymc.org) will be held in Campbelltown from September 21-23. All those involved in ministry with young people from parishes, communities, movements, religious orders, schools and diocese are invited to attend to be formed and inspired for Catholic youth ministry. visit www.acymc.org to register.
Click below to see the promotional video
1 million children under five are at risk of dying from severe acute malnutrition and require immediate relief. An additional 3 million children are at risk of moderate acute malnutrition.
Poor water resources, rising food prices and empty food stores mean many are eating just one meal a day. According to forecasts, the crisis will be acute until September 2012 in Burkina Faso, Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Chad, northern Nigeria and northern Cameroon. But, there is no certainty how long this will last! Stories from the ground show the difficult circumstances leading many to rely on humanitarian aid.
To watch a video of the West Africa food crisis, click here