Category Archives: Press Releases

Follow the Australian Journey to World Youth Day with Live Web cast on

XT3_WYD16WebcastAd_JPG_BlogMany friends, family and parishioners will have the opportunity to follow Australia’s journey to the city of mercy as 2,500 World Youth Day pilgrims travelling to Poland with the live web cast of events from Krakow through the digital platform

From 26-31 July, main events from Krakow will be broadcast live at:

Xt3, meaning Christ in the Third Millennium, is a website and digital resource that began in 2008 during World Youth Day, Sydney, as a way to connect pilgrims. It has since developed into a hub of Catholic online resources.

Hosted by the Archdiocese of Sydney, Xt3 is a digital resource where Catholic events can be viewed live from the comfort of your own home, such as the meeting of Pope Francis with the youth of the world in Krakow during World Youth Day this month.

Given the international time difference, the World Youth Day events will be available to watch at any time after the live web cast has been broadcast.

A unique feature of the Xt3 live web cast is the ability for viewers to comment online and join in solidarity with those present and others watching from around the world. Social media posts using the hash tag #AussiePilgrims will be published on screen during the live web cast. Continue reading

Parishes called to acknowledge the vital role of Seafarers in the Year of Mercy

On Sea Sunday 10 July, Catholic parishes throughout Australia will acknowledge the vital role of over 130,000 Seafarers who transit through Australia’s 25 ports while working at sea and the associated, dedicated port chaplains and volunteers. The parish support will be generated through a collection based on the annual, national Sea Sunday appeal.

Last year approximately 20,000 vessels visited Australia. Many of these received support from 15 Apostleship of the Sea Port Chaplains and over 164 Apostleship of the Sea volunteers. In the past twelve months, support was provided to 276 Seafarers who were hospitalised in Australia as a result of a medical emergency or an injury from a vessel at sea. These seafarers are isolated when admitted to hospital and remote from family. The Apostleship of the Sea (AOS) reconnects these sick or injured seafarers with family and continues to support them until discharged, ensuring personal needs are met where possible. Continue reading

Two new Auxiliary Bishops appointed to the Archdiocese of Sydney

Bishop-Elect Anthony Randazzo

Bishop-Elect Anthony Randazzo

His Holiness Pope Francis has appointed as Auxiliary Bishops of Sydney, the Reverend Monsignor Anthony Randazzo of the Archdiocese of Brisbane, and the Reverend Father Richard James Umbers of the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei.

Mons Randazzo has also been appointed Titular Bishop of Quiza and Fr Umbers, Titular Bishop of Thala.

President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Archbishop Denis Hart, welcomed the announcement by the Holy Father today.

‘I warmly welcome Monsignor Anthony Randazzo and Father Richard Umbers appointed as Auxiliary Bishops of Sydney. Both pastors bring a diversity of talents; they are generous and hard working, real men of the Church. Their gifts will be a further enrichment to the Archdiocese and to the Australian bishops. May they serve for many years.’

Upon receiving his new appointment, Bishop-Elect Randazzo said, ‘I find it a great privilege and joy to be called by the Holy Father to this role in the Archdiocese of Sydney. I am looking forward to meeting the people, the priests and religious across the Archdiocese, they are valiant people who have a marvellous faith. I look forward to evangelising with them and taking the Church into the modern world’. Continue reading

PROCLAIM 2016 Get in Quick for Early Bird Prices!

2016 Proclaim eNewsbuttonEarly Bird Registrations for the exciting national PROCLAIM 2016 Conference on the new evangelisation will be closing Monday 27 June.

Registrations are coming in fast, with groups booked from dioceses across NSW, QLD and Victoria.

“We are delighted to see such an enthusiastic take-up,” said Conference Co-ordinator, Natalie Moutia.

“The strong response is a sign that people are looking for ways to really engage their communities in evangelisation. We believe the range of exceptional international speakers and variety of practical workshops will deliver wonderful opportunities for all involved.” Continue reading

Minister and the Opposition Leader address Catholic Educators

Minister for Education and Training Senator Simon Birmingham.

Minister for Education and Training Senator Simon Birmingham.

The joint hosts of the National Catholic Education Commission 2016 Conference have said the presence of Minister for Education and Training Senator Simon Birmingham and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten at the gathering of 1,400 Catholic educators shows the value the politicians place on the role of Catholic schools in Australian society.

“With just 12 days until the federal election, Minister Birmingham and Mr Shorten have prioritised this event to explain their parties’ vision for Australian education and the important role that the 1,731 Catholic schools across Australia play in that educational enterprise,” NCEC executive director Ross Fox said.

Tim McDonald, executive director of Catholic Education Western Australia, said the visit “strengthens the already close bond that the 163 Catholic schools in Western Australia have with local and national political leaders in supporting the education of 78,000 students in all parts of the state”. Continue reading

National count of Mass attendance commences this month


Parishioners attending Mass

The national count of Mass attendance across Australia will commence at the end of this month, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Pastoral Research Office announced today.

The first weekend in May, Saturday 30 April and Sunday 1 May 2016, will see the commencement of the national count of attendance. The count was first held in 2001. This will be the fourth time that the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) has conducted the count at a national level.

The Count consists of a simple headcount of all attenders of all ages in all parishes and other Mass centres throughout Australia over the first four weekends in May. The count will only be conducted at the Sunday mass or the Saturday evening equivalent. Continue reading

Spotlight Film review

A still from the Spotlight trailer

A still from the movie trailer

Spotlight. Starring Michael Keaton, Mark Ruffalo, Rachael McAdams, Liev Schreiber and John Slattery. Directed by Tom McCarthy. 129 minutes. Rated M (adult and sexual themes, coarse language).

This is one of the angriest films you will ever see.

In the Bible we hear about righteous anger, where God or humanity realises something is so wrong and sinful that ‘holy anger’ is the first and right response. At its best in the scriptures this anger leads to justice, making things right.

Spotlight is an occasion for holy, righteous anger and every adult Catholic should see it. Not because it is easy watching, but because it is necessary watching. The time to look away has gone. Continue reading

Two Auxiliary Bishops of Melbourne Ordained

Bishops Curtin and Edwards

Bishops Curtin and Edwards

The Episcopal Ordination of the Most Reverend Terence Curtin and Most Reverend Mark Edwards OMI, as Auxiliary Bishops of Melbourne, took place at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Melbourne last night, 17 December 2014.

Bishop Curtin was also ordained Titular Bishop of Cabarsussi and Bishop Edwards was ordained Titular Bishop of Garba (in Numidia).

President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and Archbishop of Melbourne, the Most Reverend Denis Hart was the Principal Consecrator of the Ordination Mass.

The Co-Consecrators were Apostolic Nuncio in Australia, Most Reverend Paul Gallagher DD and Archbishop of Brisbane, Most Reverend Mark Coleridge. Continue reading

ACBC President welcomes appointment of new Bishop of Rockhampton

Fr Michael McCarthy

Fr Michael McCarthy

Media release, 10 March, 2014

President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Archbishop Denis Hart warmly welcomes the appointment by the Holy Father Pope Francis of the Reverend Michael McCarthy as the Bishop of Rockhampton.

“Father McCarthy has already shown distinctive leadership in the care of clergy and people in Brisbane. I know he will receive a gracious and enthusiastic welcome in his new diocese,” said Archbishop Hart.

Born on 13 September 1950, Fr McCarthy was educated at Greenmount State School and Downland College in Toowoomba.

After obtaining the Bachelor of Applied Science Degree from the University of Southern Queensland, he studied for the priesthood at St Paul’s National Seminary, Sydney. He qualified with a Master of Arts in Theology from the University of Queensland.

Fr McCarthy was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Brisbane on 19 August 1978 and commenced his priesthood as Associate Pastor, Gympie in 1979. Continue reading

New National Coordinator for Permanent Diaconate Appointed

Photo courtesy of the Diocese of Sale

Photo courtesy of the Diocese of Sale

Media Release, March 5, 2014

Reverend Deacon Anthony (Tony) Aspinall has been appointed by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference as the National Coordinator for the Permanent Diaconate.

Deacon Tony is from the Sale Diocese in Victoria, and was ordained to the Diaconate on 14 August, 1998.

Prior to his ordination, he worked for the Shell company in Melbourne in the area of compliance and auditing.

Deacon Tony is married to June and is the father of two children and grandfather to nine.

“My first appointment was to Narre Warren Parish where I was involved in general Parish ministry and was part time Chaplain to the Berwick Villa Maria aged care facility and the Dandenong Hospital Psychiatric wards. I later became part time Chaplain to St Francis Xavier College Beaconsfield.” Continue reading